Grammar Practice for Elementary Students gives short, clear explanations of grammar and provides practice exercises for you to do. The book has three stages with a test at the end of each stage. Stage I is the easiest and Stage III is the most difficult.
Longman Grammar Practice for Pre-intermediate Students
Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students gives short, clear explanations of all the main areas of English grammar, and provides practice exercises for you to do.
There are two ways in which this book can be used:
- In class with help from your teacher;
- At home by yourself.
If you are using the book by yourself, use the Index and the Contents list to find the area that you want to study, read the grammatical explanation, and then do the exercise. To check your answers, you will need to use the edition of Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students with Answer key. We hope that Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students helps you to improve your English.
Longman Grammar Practice for Pre-intermediate Students engages students with motivating topics, fascinating facts and word puzzles. Comprehensive grammar exercises focus on the most commonly tested areas of English grammar.
Longman Grammar Practice for intermediate students offers a comprehensive grammar reference and practice for intermediate-level learners of English.
It includes clear explanations, examples, activities, and exercises to help students improve their grammar skills. Students will find plenty of opportunities to improve their grammar knowledge, as the book’s format allows them to focus on specific areas that need improvement.
The text builds students’ confidence in using English by focusing on key areas that are difficult for intermediate students, such as possessives, phrasal verbs, adverbs, modals, conditionals, the passive voice, and adjectives.