IELTS Speaking Actual Tests 2020 (Sep. – Dec.)

IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests 2020 PDF with Suggested Answers aims to develop speaking and test- taking skills along with language proficiency to help you achieve a high IELTS Speaking score.

It contains IELTS Speaking questions that were asked and would be asked in IELTS Speaking tests in 2020. The questions are divided into part 1, part 2 and part 3. Each of the questions have answers provided by our certified IELTS trainer along with the vocabulary that is specifically used for that question/topic.

When using this e-book, you can be aware of the kinds of questions that you would face in a real exam, and how the answers are framed accordingly. Moreover, these tests are extracted from an authentic IELTS bank source; therefore, you are in all probability to encounter these questions in your real examinations.

Download IELTS Speaking Actual Tests 2020 PDF (September – December)

IELTS Speaking Actual Tests 2020 PDF

The Speaking test comprises of 3 parts and is conducted by an examiner for 11-14 minutes. This test is similar to an interview and thus the emotions attached to the test is also similar – jitters, scary, anxiety. This is where IELTS Speaking e-book comes in.

This e-book helps you to know the unfamiliar.

Part – 1

Most of the part one questions are personal questions that the examiner will ask you to bring you into a comfort zone. These questions are sorted in terms of different topics.

Part – 2 & 3

Part – 2 consists of a cue card for which you will be given 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to talk.

The questions in the cue card are addressed and a sample answer is given for the cue-card. Following the cue-card are part 3 questions. Part 3 of the speaking e-book consists of questions related to the cue card you will receive. And so, these questions are found with sample answers below the related cue-cards.


Lexical resources is a factor of assessment during the speaking tests. So, below each of these topics, you will find a vocabulary section that contains words related to that particular topic along with examples.

Final Note

That was our IELTS Speaking pdf book for today. I hope that you are going to get the best out of it. You can get this book from the link below. You can also check IELTS Speaking Actual Tests (April_July 2020). I wish you all the best. Good Luck!