A CommonsenseGuide to Grammar and Usage

A CommonsenseGuide to Grammar and Usage

A Commonsense Guide to Grammar and Usage, Sixth Edition, helps students write clear, error-free sentences by combining the easy access of a reference handbook with the practicality of a skills workbook. This book is intended for a range of students who need a firmer foundation in the grammar and usage of formal writing. These students might be enrolled in a beginning writing course, an ESL course, a first-year composition course, or a course in a disci- pline such as business, history, or science.


At the core of our approach is the firm belief that errors can be signs of risk taking, experimentation, and growth. Once students understand that er- rors are a part of the learning process, they can develop the confidence they need to recognize and correct sentence-level problems in their own writing— something they can do without an overwhelming amount of grammar termi- nology. We wrote this text because students, as well as teachers, need a book devoted to commonsense ways to avoid errors.

A CommonsenseGuide to Grammar and Usage PDF

Emphasis on the most significant errors keeps students focusedon essential skills. Using a straightforward, practice-oriented approach,A Commonsense Guide helps students learn how to identify and correct majorproblems in written English. On the basis of research, experience, and feed-back from students and teachers, we concentrate on the grammar and usageproblems that occur most frequently or are most distracting in the writing offirst-year college students.Easy-to-remember tips simplify grammar and usage.


Each lessonincludes at least one handy tip— a commonsense way of identifying or cor-recting an error. These tips, located in easy-to-find boxes, rely not on complexrules but on intuitive, practical strategies that writers actually use. Presentedas friendly pieces of advice, these tips are easier for students to rememberand apply than hard-and-fast rules or intimidating technical explanations.