A Grammar Practice Book With Answers

How English works:

How English Works makes grammar practice interesting. Rules are easy to understand and remember; exercises entertain as well as teach. Students’ may use this book for self study, as they are guided in their learning. Teachers will find extra exercises for group work.

The purpose of the book

How English Works is for learners of English who want to speak and write more correctly. It contains:

  • Short clear explanations of the rules of English grammar.
  • Examples of correct use .
  • Exercises.

How to use the book

If you are studying with a teacher, he or she will help you to use the book effectively. if you are studying at home. the following suggestions may be useful:

  • Don’t go through the whole book from beginning to end. How English Works contains explanations of basic rules (e.g. how to make questions). intermediate points (e.g. the use of passives) and more advanced problems (e.g. difficult structures with who. whom and which). Different kettle’s will need to study different parts of the book.
  • Start by trying the tests on page% 4-9. These will help you to decide what you need to learn — what are the most important problems in English grammar for you.
  • Use the list of sections fat the beginning) and the Index (at the end) to help you find the sections that you want. Read the explanations and do the exercises. If you still have problems with a point. work through the section again.
  • You will sometimes need to know some of the words that we use when we talk about grammar In English (e.g. verb. preposition. tense. plural. countable). These words are explained on pages 298-302.

A Grammar Practice Book With Answers

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