Academic Vocabulary

Academic Vocabulary is an ideal text for both classroom and self-study to make the study of vocabulary fun through a variety of thematic readings, self-tests, and interactive exercises. You can see also IELTS Academic Vocabulary .

Academic Vocabulary

Academic Vocabulary has twenty main chapters follow a consistent format.

• Thematic Reading:

Because most vocabulary is acquired through reading, each chapter— with the exception of the Word Parts and Review Chapters—begins with a thematic reading that introduces ten vocabulary words in context.

These readings come in a variety of formats, from worksheets to essays. The goal is to show that new words may be encountered anywhere. Rather than simply presenting a word list with definitions, students have the opportunity to discover the meanings of these new words via context clues. The themes for Academic Vocabulary were chosen from disciplines that most students will encounter at some point in their college careers. In choosing the words, I’ve been guided by five factors:

  1.  relation to the chapter theme;
  2.  use in textbooks, novels, magazines, and newspapers;
  3. occurrence in standardized tests such as the SAT and GRE;
  4.  containing word parts introduced in the text; and
  5. my own experiences in teaching reading and writing.

• Predicting:

The second page of each chapter contains a Predicting activity that gives students the chance to figure out the meaning of each vocabulary word before looking at its definition. The Predicting section helps students learn the value of context clues in determining a word’s meaning. While the text does offer information on dictionary use, I strongly advocate the use of context clues as one of the most active methods of vocabulary development.

• Self-Tests:

Following the Predicting activity are three Self-Tests in various formats. With these tests, students can monitor their comprehension. The tests include text and sentence completion, true/false situations, matching, and analogies. Some tests employ context clue strategies such as synonyms and antonyms and general meaning. Critical thinking skills are an important part of each test. (Answers to the Self-Tests appear in the Instructor’s Manual.)

• Word Wise:

Following the Self-Tests is the Word Wise section that teaches a variety of skills that are helpful to vocabulary acquisition. There are seven types of activities: Internet Activities, A Different Approach, Context Clue Mini-Lessons, Interesting Etymologies, Collocations, Word Pairs, and Connotations and Denotations. Each activity is explained in the Getting Started section. These activities give students additional practice and insight into the words they are learning.

This was our book for today. I hope that you are going to get the best of it. Good Luck!