American Accent Training

American Accent Training book and audio is designed to get you started on your American accent. We’ll follow the book and go through the 17 lessons and all the exercises step by step. Everything is explained, and a complete Answer Key is in the back of the text.

American Accent Training

A great training tool for the classroom or for personal use! In recent years, Barron’s American Accent Training has gained wide respect as a self-teaching program, but more and more speech trainers, teachers, and speech therapists report that they are also using it as a valuable teaching tool in their speech classes.

This new edition now comes with downloadable audio. The program goes where no American accent training tool has gone before, providing highly innovative instruction for both students and business people.

The structure of the book has been reorganized, offering students a much more clear and direct sequence of lessons and a path to better understanding. The downloadable audio component features professional male and female voices that have been carefully selected to represent authentic American pronunciation and intonation.

Pronunciation exercises encompass all vowel sounds, consonants, blends, and diphthongs. Emphasis on linking, or phonetically transcribed sound liaisons, help students “see” the correct sounds Designed for foreign-born students and business people working, traveling, or studying in the United States and Canada.


The accent is a combination of four main components: voice quality, intonation (speech music), liaisons (word connections), and pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and combinations).

As you go along, you’ll notice that you’re being asked to look at face not in a different way. You’ll also realize that the grammar you studied before and this accent you’re studying now are completely different.

Part of the difference is that grammar and vocabulary are systematic and structured-the letter of the language. Accent, on the other hand, is free form, intuitive, and creative-more the spirit of the language. So, thinking of music, feeling, and flow, let your mouth relax into the American accent.

That was our book for today. I wish that you are going to get the best of it.

American Accent Training

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