Barron’s SAT Study Guide Premium 2022

Barron’s SAT Study Guide – Premium 2022 is updated to reflect the latest changes of this year’s SAT exam and is guaranteed to help you reach your target score.

This guide contains:

  • 7 Practice Tests.
  • Comprehensive Review.
  • Online Practice.

Barron’s SAT Study Guide Premium (2021 – 2022)

The premium version of Barron’s best-selling SAT study guide includes guaranteed improvements in all sections of the test: Reading, Writing and Language, and Mathematics.

All the Review You Need to Be Prepared

Barron’s SAT Study Guide provides an overview of the SAT, including test scoring methods and advice on college entrance requirements.

The in-depth subject review covers all sections of the test: Reading, Writing and Language, and Mathematics, providing specific details on subsections to help hone your skills and improve results.

Having top-rated tutors from Barron’s available for each SAT subject is just one of the many test-taking tips included throughout. The publisher has received awards such as Best in Education for Barron’s Educational Practice Test Builder, which includes a site license covering one simultaneous user for unlimited use at a single location.

Practice with Confidence

The Barron’s SAT Study Guide is your key to accelerating your score on the SAT test. This comprehensive  944 pages book with online practice tests includes:

  • 7 full-length practice tests–4 in the book and 2 online, including 1 diagnostic test to assess your skills and target your studying.
  • Review chapters contain additional practice questions on each subject.
  • All practice questions include detailed answer explanations.

Interactive Online Practice

Barron’s SAT Study Guide Premium 2022 provides all of the tools you need to tackle the SAT, including extensive practice tests, expert advice, and vocabulary flashcards.

This premium version includes two full-length practice tests online with a timed test option to simulate the exam experience.

In addition to this extensive online course, the guide includes expert strategies for reading comprehension and writing, vocabulary flashcards, automated scoring to track your progress, and an answer key in the back of the book that provides in-depth explanations of every answer.

The Barron’s SAT Study Guide Premium 2022 is America’s number one resource for SAT prep, college planning, and career success.

It features hundreds of practice questions and answers that cover the newest SAT changes, so you can be confident and ready for every question.

The Barron’s SAT Prep 2022 book will cover all the latest changes related to the redesigned SAT format, so you can practice with confidence and score as high as possible.

Click here to find out more about this must-own SAT study guide!

Barron's SAT Study Guide Premium 2022