Designing Language Teaching Tasks

Designing Language Teaching Tasks provides a research-based account of how experienced teachers and task designers prepare activities for use in the language classroom.

It gives detailed information on the procedures which designers follow. The book is a description of research and will therefore interest applied linguists and students in the field. It is written in a clear and comprehensible way, and should appeal to all

Designing Language Teaching Tasks

Designing Language Teaching Tasks has been made possible through the generosity of the Lever- hulme Trust, whose award of a Research Fellowship provided the time and resources necessary for me to analyse the data and write about it. Their generosity is much appreciated.

The data themselves were collected as part of an ESRC-funded project (entitled ‘Capturing expertise in task design for instruction and assess-ment’ – part of their Cognitive Engineering Initiative). The ESRC’s role in this work is gratefully acknowledged, as is the work of the other researchers involved in that project: Jim Ridgway, Tom Ormerod, Catherine Fritz, and Virginia Samuda. The opinions expressed in this book are not necessarily communal ones.

Designing Language Teaching Tasks PDF

Two individuals have contributed particularly to this work. One is Virginia Samuda, who is largely responsible for the evaluative work described in Chapter 8 (and whose contribution was also made possible by the Leverhulme Trust). Virginia also provided highly useful feedback on a draft version of Chapter 8.

The other person is Jayanti Banerjee who helped put the action box codes into ATLAS. Its format, and who made a number of useful suggestions regarding this coding.

I would also like to thank Keith Richards, together with an anonym-ous reviewer, for many insightful and useful comments on drafts of the book. My wife Helen is to be thanked for her support which has, as always, been substantial. Not the smallest part of Hugh’s contribution lies in the hours when the home computer was unavailable for CD-ROM games, because Dad was using it to write.

My greatest debt is to the 16 designers who put their necks on the block, and thought aloud as they did so. They made this book, and it is about them.

‎Designing Language Teaching Tasks

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