Essential Words for the TOEFL Tests

Essential Words for the TOEFL Tests is a TOEFL vocabulary practice book. This TOEFL vocabulary course has two TOEFL Vocabulary tests that will help you to improve your vocabulary for the TOEFL test.

Essential Words for the TOEFL Tests

Essential Words for the TOEFL contains two TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Tests. These tests are provided so that you may determine what effect the study of this book has had on your knowledge of TOEFL vocabulary and on your ability to answer vocabulary questions in the TOEFL format.

The tests will also provide you with a fairly accurate estimate of how you would do on Section 3 of the TOEFL, if that section consisted of Vocabulary questions alone.

To score your TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Tests, follow the procedures described below. Find the key (list of correct answers) that corresponds to the TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Test that you took.

The key to both tests is located at the top of this page. Score each test using the key. Place a C next to each correct answer in the book. Count the number of correct answers and write that number in the space called Number Right below.

Now for Test 1. multiply the number of correct answers by 1.47. Remember Section 3 consists of 30 vocabulary items and 30 reading comprehension items. Thus, your performance on the vocabulary items will contribute 50 percent of your score on this section.

The other 50 percent is determined by your performance on reading comprehension items. Add 23 to the product. You may round off to the nearest whole number. Write this number on the line that corresponds to the Scaled Score for Test 1.

Follow the same procedures for Test 2 and determine your Scaled Score for Test 2. Now add the Number Right scores for Test 1 and Test 2 and divide the sum by 2. Place this number on the line that corresponds to the Average Number Right To determine your Average Scaled Score, add the two Scaled Scores together and divide the total by 2.

Place this number (the average of the two Scaled Scores) on the line that corresponds to the Average Scored Score. Now let’s practice these procedures in order to verify that you are following them correctly. Suppose on Test 1 you answered 21 questions correctly, and on Test 2 you answered 24 items correctly. For Test 1, your calculations would look as follows.

Essential Words for the TOEFL Tests


Now follow the procedure on your own for the Test 2 Number Right score of 24. Your Scaled Score for Test 2 should be 58.28. for which the nearest whole number is 58. The average of these two scaled scores is 56.

Your Average Scaled Score on Test 1 and 2 is the best estimate of how you would perform on Section 3 of the TOEFL, if it consisted of vocabulary items alone. This is because the Average Scaled Score is based on a larger sample of vocabulary items than is either Test 1 or Test 2 alone.

When you take the TOEFL at an official administration, if your score on Section 3 is different from your Average Scaled Score on these TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Tests, the difference is probably due to your performance on the reading comprehension items in this section.

This was our book for today. I hope that you have found it helpful. You can get the book from the links below. Good Luck!

Essential Words for the TOEFL Tests

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