Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel

If you are holding this booklet, you love Excel. You use Excel every workday for a variety of tasks, and you want to take your Excel skills to the next level by adding some VBA macros to your skill set. This is an excellent move.

Excel VBA enables you to automate mundane processes. Whether you want some code to produce a report for every department from a data set, or simply want a quick routine to make an ugly 40-minute process disappear into a few button clicks, Excel VBA is up to the task.

Unfortunately, the Excel Macro recorder often fails to deliver usable code. To succeed, you need to learn five critical concepts. You can then combine these concepts with recorded code to produce stellar results.

The lessons on this DVD come directly from the current version of my Power Macros seminar. My assumption is that you already use Excel 20–40 hours per week. You might have taken a class in BASIC or COBOL somewhere along the way, although this is not a prerequisite. You’ve also probably turned on the macro recorder and had varying degrees of frustration with it. If that sounds like you, I can get you up to speed with writing your own macros.

Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel

Overview In Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel, renowned Excel instructor and author Bill Jelen (MrExcel) teaches all the skills you’ll need to automate virtually any routine task with Excel and build powerful Excel macros!

This package brings together nearly eight hours of personalized, expert video training: 50 quick, practical video lessons that demonstrate all the skills you’ll need to successfully use both the Excel macro recorder and the Visual Basic for Applications development environment.

You’ll learn one step at a time, at your own pace-using hands-on examples that reflect realistic challenges and showcase Excel’s remarkable capabilities. Along the way, Jelen will take you from the absolute basics through PivotTables and data filtering.

Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel delivers the power of the best classroom training at a small fraction of the cost. If you don’t have time to read a huge book on Excel macros and scripting, this is exactly what you’ve been searching for!

For all serious Excel users: managers, financial pros, entrepreneurs, marketers, analysts, and more. Looking for a better way to master today’s rapidly changing technologies? Want expert help, but don’t have the time or energy to read a book? Can’t find classroom training worth the money?

Discover LiveLessons: self-paced, personal video instruction from the world’s leading technology experts.

  • LiveLessons are video courses are organized into bite-sized, self-contained sessions-you’ll learn key skills in as little as fifteen minutes!
  • Each lesson begins with well-defined learning objectives and ends with comprehensive summaries, which help you track your progress.
  • Follow along as your trainer shows you how to make the most of Excel’s macro recorder and its powerful VBA development environment!

Bill Jelen is called MrExcel for a reason! Nobody knows more about Excel macros and scripting-and nobody knows more about teaching these skills to working professionals! Thought you’d never write your own Excel macros and programs? Think again! You will…and you can start in just minutes! Bill Jelen, known worldwide as MrExcel, presents live Excel seminars across the United States and appears in over 800 podcast episodes. His 20 Excel books include Special Edition Using Excel 2007 and VBA and Macros for Microsoft Excel. His website, MrExcel.com, answers 30,000 Excel questions per year.

System Requirements

  • OS: Windows 98, 2000, XP, and Windows Vista; Mac OS X; versions of Linux with the Flash 8 Player or later.
  • Multimedia: DVD drive, an 1024×768 or higher display, and a sound card with speakers.
  • Computer: 500MHz or higher, 128MB RAM or more

DVD includes:


Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel

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