Expand Your English

Expand Your English is a great book that is focusing on how you can improving your academic vocabulary in a short time.

Expand Your English

Writing academic prose in English is especially difficult for non-native speakers, largely because the standard vocabulary used in this genre can be quite different from colloquial English.

Expand Your English A Guide to Improving Your Academic Vocabulary is a unique and invaluable guide that will enable the reader to overcome this hurdle.

It will become the favourite go-to reference book for both beginners and for intermediate learners struggling with the complexities of English-language academic writing.

Steve Hart covers 1,000 vocabulary items that are essential for good academic writing. The first section describes 200 key terms in detail, grouping them into logical sets of 10.

Through careful repetition, the reader will find it easy to retain, retrieve, and reuse these essential phrases.

The second section explains a further 800 terms, grouping them according to function, meaning, and the areas of an essay where they are likely to be used.

The expansive scope of Expand Your English gives non-native speakers all the vocabulary tools they need to master this difficult style of writing.

Expand Your English Book

When we are reading ” Expand Your English” any book, we are nourishing our mind with the information inside it. And this is how that food fuels us. It improves our language with a really amazing way. The books we read build our language step by step. And the better kind of books we read, the better our language and brains get built. That’s why we have choose great books to read.

Our speaking becomes clearer as we are able to choose the right words to express ourselves. And nothing can stop us, from speaking like native speakers. We can be even better than the native. Because when we are reading, we actually travel through the information in that book. We explore new places, vistas, and emotions through the words that authors have wrote in the book.

As we have said the more we read, the more things we know about. And the more things we know, the more dreams we achieve out of our life. It is a fact that all great people at some point of time in their life have drawn inspiration from books. So Reading is like an exercise for our brains. It makes you think creatively and allow us to improve our characters. So make sure to read a good book “like how to teach writing ” with virtuous characters is going turn you into a better person sooner or later.

Books are really immortal. They survive the tests of time to enlighten our brains. Makes us feel better. Books are the source of knowledge that we need. And with knowledge comes the confidence. That’s why reading makes us feel more confident when we do it.  We feel expertise in a subject from continuous reading. It doesn’t matter if we have read-only novels or short stories. Our grammar and vocabulary would have improved.

Expand Your English

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