Grammar Express

Grammar Express is one of the best grammar books for English students. The book has  76 units. Each unit has four pages, two pages of grammar presentation, and two pages of practice.

Grammar Express features

  • Short, easy-to-use four-page units.
  • Grammar points presented and contextualized through cartoons, photos, and other illustrations.
  • Clear Grammar Charts showing the forms of the grammar point.
  • Chart Checks to help you use the grammar charts.
  • Clear Grammar Explanations and Examples.
  • Usage Notes telling you how English speakers use the grammar point.
  • Be careful! Notes showing typical mistakes students make.
  • Pronunciation Notes to help you pronounce words correctly.
  • A variety of exercise types to practise the grammar points.
  • Self-tests to check your progress.
  • Appendices with helpful lists and information.
  • An Answer Key so you can check your answers.
  • An Index to help you find grammar points quickly.


Grammar Express has 76 units. Each unit has four pages – two pages of grammar presentation and two pages of practice. This is how a typical unit works:


The grammar point is presented in three steps.

1. Illustration

Each unit begins with an illustration – a cartoon, comic strip, photo with speech bubbles, or a newspaper headline – which introduces the grammar point in context. It also introduces the topic of the unit. (For example, in Unit 8 the cartoon introduces the grammar point used to, and the unit topic, fashion.)

A Check Point helps you think about the meaning of the grammar point in the illustration.

2. Charts Grammar

Charts show the forms of the grammar point. (In Unit 8 уou cсIn Sее usеd to in statеmеnts, quеstions, аnd short аn,sшеrs.)

Chart Checks ask questions about the gтammar сharts. Thеy help you notiсe important infоrmation about the forms and uses of the grammar point you are studying.

An Еxpress Cheсk follows thе Grammar Charts. This is a quiсk and easy way for you to try out the forms in the сharts.

3. Notes

Grammar Notes present Grammar Explanations on the left and Examples on the right. Timelines show the meaning of verb forms. (For eхаmplе, in Unit 8 thе timеlinе for osed to shoшs that уou сan usе it onlу for thе past.)

Usagе Notes tell you how English speakers use thе grammar point. (In Unit 8 thе Usаgе Notе for used to ехp|ains that this form is morе сommon in affirmatiuе statеmеnts than in nеgаtiuе statеmеnts or quеstions.)

Bе careful! Notes point out typiсai mistakes that English students make. (onе of thе Be carеfiil! Notеs in Unit 8 tеlls уou not to confusе used to шith be used to or get used to.)

Pronunсiation Notes tell you how to сorreсtly pronounсe the grammar point in everyday spеeсh. These notes use easy pronunсiation spellings.

Cheсk it out! tells you whеre to look in thе book (appеndiсes or othеr units) to find more information about the grammar point.

Grammar Express

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