How to Teach Speaking

How to teach speaking is the best book that you can use. This book is going to help you a lot in your journey of teaching speaking.

How to Teach Speaking PDF

How to Teach Speaking has been written for all teachers of English who wish to improve their knowledge and to develop their classroom skills in this important area.

It is generally accepted that knowing a language and being able to speak it are not synonymous. Thus, the claim She knows Italian does not entail the statement She can speak Italian. Yet, in many ways, the teaching of second or other languages has carried on as if knowing and speaking were the same thing.

That is, you learn the grammar and you learn some vocabulary and you make sentences which you pronounce properly, and hey presto, you can speak! This is reflected in generations of books on oral English, which are essentially just books on how to vocalize grammar.

Research — and common sense — suggests that there is a lot more to speaking than the ability to form grammatically correct sentences and then to pronounce them. For a start, speaking is interactive and requires the ability to co-operate in the management of speaking turns. It also typically takes place in real time, with little time for detailed planning.

In these circumstances, spoken fluency requires the capacity to marshal a store of memorized lexical chunks. And the nature of the speaking process means that the grammar of spoken language differs in a number of significant ways from the grammar of written language. Hence, the study of written grammar may not be the most efficient preparation for speaking.

No wonder speaking represents a real challenge to most language learners. Speaking is a skill, and as such needs to be developed and practised independently of the grammar curriculum. This book, therefore, attempts to redress the lack of available guides to the teaching of ‘speaking-as-skill’.

Accordingly, in Chapter 1 we start by looking at what skilled speakers can do before looking at what they know (in Chapter 2).

Chapter 3 addresses the problems faced by speakers of another language and maps out a number of priorities for the teaching of speaking. The succeeding three chapters deal with the three stages of a general approach to skill-development: awareness-raising (Chapter 4), appropriation (Chapter 5), and autonomy (Chapter 6).

Finally, in Chapter 7, we look at ways that speaking can be integrated into the language curriculum and at some approaches to its assessment.

Practical classroom applications are signalled throughout by this icon Finally, the Task File consists of photocopiable task sheets, relevant to each chapter.

They can be used for individual study and reflection or for discussion and review in a training context. An answer key is provided. This is followed by chapter notes and further reading suggestions. The source information for the extracts within the chapters is provided in the chapter notes.

How to Teach Speaking

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