IELTS Listening Practice and Sample test Materials

Download IELTS Listening Practice and Sample test Materials PDF and Audio with answer sheet and Familiarise yourself with the test format. This practice test will help you to understand the Listening test and improve your IELTS band score.

IELTS Listening Practice and Sample test Materials (PDF + Audio)

The following IELTS listening practice tests and sample tasks are to be used with the Answer Sheet and audio files. It was made by the IELTS examners to help students to practice and get familiar with the IELTS Listening test format. Each answer sheet indicates which recording to listen to, or if a transcript is provided.

IELTS Listening Practice Tests Features

Using the practice materials in this section will enable you to:

  1. Familiarise yourself with the test format
  2. Experience the types of tasks you will be asked to undertake
  3. Test yourself under timed conditions
  4. Review your answers and compare them with model answers.

This was our IELTS Listening Practice test. I hope that you are going to get the best out of it. You can get the tests from the links blow. I wish you all the best guys. Good Luck!

IELTS Listening Practice and Sample test Materials

Listening sample test 1
Listening sample 1 task – Form completion (PDF, 59KB)
IELTS listening recording 1 (MP3, 1.2MB)
Listening sample 2 task – Multiple Choice (PDF, 16KB)
Listening recording 2 (MP3, 402KB)
Listening sample 3 task – Short Answer (PDF, 25KB)
IELTS Listening recording 3 (MP3, 574KB)
Listening sample 4 task – Sentence Completion (PDF, 17KB)
IELTS Listening recording 4 (MP3, 549KB)
Listening sample 5 task – Matching (example 1 – PDF, 21KB)
IELTS Listening recording 5 (MP3, 2.8MB)
Listening sample 6 task – Matching (example 2 – PDF, 21KB)
IELTS Listening recording 6 (MP3, 2.1MB)
Listening sample 7 task – Plan/Map/Diagram Labelling (PDF, 25KB)
IELTS Listening recording 7 (MP3, 2.7MB)
Listening sample 8 task – Note Completion (PDF, 59KB)
IELTS Listening recording 8 (MP3, 4.18MB)
Listening Recording 8 Answer Sheet (PDF, 16KB)
Listening Sample 9 Task – Short Answer (PDF, 25KB)
IELTS Listening Recording 9 (MP3, 11.8MB)
Listening Recording 9 Answer Sheet (PDF, 17KB)


Listening answer sheet
Listening answer sheet (PDF, 233KB)