Key Words for IELTS

Key Words for IELTS is an advanced IELTS preparation course from the Collins COBUILD. It will help you to raise the level of your English to achieve the high IELTS score that possible to achieve.

Key Words for IELTS

Key Words for IELTS is an advanced IELTS preparation course from the Collins COBUILD. It will help you to raise the level of your English to achieve the high IELTS score that possible to achieve.

Collins COBUILD Key Words for IELTS

Collins COBUILD KeyWords for IELTS Book 3 Advanced is the final book in the Key Words for IELTS series. It covers the words and phrases that will help you to raise the level of your English to achieve the high IELTS score required by some universities for more challenging courses and postgraduate study. Mastering the vocabulary in this book will give you the skills you need to confidently use Academic English in an English-medium university context.

The first section of the book consists of word lists organized by subject and topic area. You can use these lists to help you revise sets of vocabulary or when preparing for writing tasks. The words are grouped into academic subject areas, such as Science and History, common topics such as social issues and the environment, as well as according to functions, such as talking about cause and effect or describing trends.

The second section of the book contains alphabetically ordered dictionary-style entries for keywords and phrases. The vocabulary items have been chosen to fully prepare you for the kind of language found in the IELTS exam. The words and phrases regularly appear in the most common IELTS topics. and are clearly labeled by subject area. More formal vocabulary has been included so that you can feel confident using a more sophisticated style in I ELTS writing tasks and academic essays.

Each word is illustrated with examples of natural English taken from the Collins corpus and reflects the style of language used in IELTS texts. As well as definitions and examples, entries include additional information about collocations, as well as usage notes to help you put the vocabulary you have learnt into practice.

Words from the same root, for example. coincide, coincidence, coincidental, are shown together to help you make these vital links between words. By understanding how these words relate to each other, you will be able to vary the way you express your ideas, which will help improve your writing and speaking skills.

There are synonyms and antonyms at each entry to help you widen your range of vocabulary and create more variety in your writing style. The Extend your vocabulary boxes to help you understand the differences between sets of similar words, so you can be sure that your English is accurate and natural.


This was our book for today. We hope you enjoy preparing for IELTS using Collins COBUILD KeyWords for IELTS. The vocabulary in these books will help you to not only achieve the IELTS score you are aiming for, but will equip you for success in the future.

Key Words for IELTS

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