Listening And Speaking Skills Advanced

Listening And Speaking Skills Advanced

Listening And Speaking is an English course that is going to help to improve your English listening and speaking skills. This course is for advanced students. The course has fifteen unique units that are going to take both your listening and speaking skills to the top.

Listening And Speaking Skills

An ELT CD pack with photocopiable units. Focusing on advanced-level listening and speaking skills, the pack offers a wide variety of topics through authentic reading and listening materials.
Listening and Speaking Advanced photocopiable resource book contains twenty stimulating and challenging listening passages each accompanied by one or more communication activities. The material provides students from CAE to Proficiency level with challenging advanced-level skills development.
Photocopiable worksheets interleaved with teacher’s notes on how to use them, tapescripts and answer key, a great variety of authentic listening types, vocabulary-building exercises to extend students’ active vocabulary, language boxes of key phrases to accompany the communication activities.

Tips to Improve Your Listening Skills 

The following tips are going to help you to improve your listening skills:

  1. Listen to the Audio – No Reading! The first step in this method is to simply listen to the audio alone. Don’t read the text in advance and don’t follow along with it as you listen. The point here is to focus solely on your aural skills and see how much you can understand without any visual aid.
  2. Repeat! It’s not time to look at the text just yet. Many learners make the mistake of turning to the text too quickly. However, the point here is to practice your listening skills so just stay focused on listening for the time being.
  3. Get Reading Now it’s time to look at the text. Read through it and check how much you understood from your listening.
  4.  Listen With the Text. Once you’ve read through the text a few times and looked up any words you didn’t understand, you should be confident about its meaning. Next, I suggest listening again a couple of more times while you read along with the text.
  5. Listen Again Without the Text. Finally, go back and listen again a few more times without the text. By this point, you should be able to understand almost everything quite well even without the visual aid of the text.

In Conclusion:

I hope that you like this article. You can get the Listening And Speaking skills pdf and audio from the links below. Good Luck!