Oxford Grammar for Young Learners

Oxford Grammar is giving the teacher well strategy for teaching young learners and practicing grammar in a fun and good ways.

Oxford Grammar for Young Learners

Teachers of young learners can use this tool to introduce and practice grammar in a fun and engaging way. Educates in a middle ground between grammar-based and communicative approaches: meaning is at the heart of all language instruction, and grammar is an integral aspect of making meaning clear.

There are few topics which arouse more heated and passionate debate than grammar. And the debate extends even to young learners, with some advocating the necessity of inculcating grammatical concepts and rules with this age group, and others equally resistant to such practices.

The authors of this book take a middle passage between the shoals of grammatical prescriptivism and of communicative over-indulgence. They take the view that meaning will always be primary at this level so that grammar will be integral to activities rather than taught as a separate area.

The extent to which grammar is made explicit will also clearly depend on factors such as age and cognitive maturity within an age range from 6 to 14. Their aims are threefold: to enable learners to express themselves as clearly as possible in English, to increase their grammatical accuracy, and to raise awareness of grammatical features—rather than to teach explicit rules.

They do this by offering a rich variety of activities, many of which are game-like in nature, but all of which are based on the most common essential grammatical features of English.The activities take account of the learning style preferences of the learners, and are flagged for physical, aural, spatial, and verbal cmphases.This is particularly important for younger learners, who often have a preference for activities involving movement and the manipulation of objects.

Those teachers who have already used other books in this series by Gordon Lewis will not be disappointed in this collection, written in collaboration with Hans Mol, who brings his own long and extensive experience of working with younger learners to bear. Teachers of younger learners will find this an invaluable addition to theYoung Learners titles in this series.

Book features

  • Ready-made, enjoyable grammar activities to supplement coursebooks.
  • Strengthens grammatical accuracy in a fun and purposeful way.
  • Activities focus on key grammatical points for young learners and align with the CEF.
  • Contents organized by communicative goal (e.g. talking about the past), cross-referenced to grammar teaching point (e.g. past simple).
  • Includes activities for different learning styles.
  • Promotes critical and creative thinking skills and language awareness.
  • Photocopiable worksheets for many of the activities.

Oxford Grammar for Young Learners