SAT Superscore Calculator

Maximize your SAT scores with our easy-to-use SAT Superscore Calculator. Get accurate results and improve your college admissions prospects. You can also try our SAT Score Calculator for free.

SAT Superscore Calculator

Enter your SAT scores from each test date in the table below. The calculator will display your superscore, which is the sum of your highest Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing scores.

Test DateMathEBRW

About SAT Superscore Calculator

The SAT superscore calculator is a tool that helps you estimate your SAT superscore based on your scores from different test dates. Your SAT superscore is the sum of your highest Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing scores. Some colleges use your SAT superscore to evaluate your academic potential and compare you with other applicants. Read more about the SAT Superscore.

How to use it?

To use the SAT superscore calculator, you need to enter your scores from each test date in the table provided. You can choose from different score curves based on the practice tests you took. The calculator will display your superscore and your section scores. You can also try our practice tests to improve your skills and confidence.


Here some of the features of the superscore calculator

  • It is easy to use and interactive.
  • It allows you to enter up to three test dates and choose from different score curves.
  • It shows you how your raw score translates to your section score and your superscore.
  • It provides links to helpful resources such as study materials, articles, and colleges that superscore the SAT.


The SAT superscore calculator is a valuable tool that helps users estimate their SAT superscore and prepare for the college application process. The tool has many strengths, but also some weaknesses and challenges that could be overcome with further development and improvement. The tool demonstrates the potential of web development and programming to create useful and interactive applications for education and learning.