Top 10 SAT Score Hacks You Shouldn’t Miss

Ace the SAT with these top 10 SAT score hacks! Learn how to eliminate wrong answers, use the process of elimination, pace yourself, and more.

The Best 10 SAT Score Hacks

The SAT is a crucial examination that can significantly impact college admissions. To optimize your performance and achieve a higher score, it’s essential to adopt effective strategies and prepare efficiently. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 SAT score hacks that students shouldn’t miss, covering practical advice on preparation, test-taking techniques, and mindset.

  1. Take the PSAT for Familiarity and Experience:
    Utilize the PSAT as a valuable tool to gain familiarity with the SAT format and question types. Since the PSAT is nearly identical to the SAT, it allows you to identify strengths, weaknesses, and establish a realistic baseline score. Use our SAT Score Calculator to evaluate your performance.
  2. Establish a Realistic Preparation Timeline:
    Create a study schedule based on your target score and the gap between your current score and goal. Planning ahead and scheduling study sessions accordingly will ensure sufficient time for comprehensive preparation.
  3. Think Like the Test-Makers:
    Develop an understanding of common traps and pitfalls in SAT questions. The SAT evaluates critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Learn to recognize and avoid typical wrong answers, eliminating distractors effectively.
  4. Play to Your Strengths:
    The SAT doesn’t penalize you for skipping questions. Prioritize the questions you are confident in, answering them quickly and accurately. If a question is too challenging, mark it for review and return to it later if time permits.
  5. Learn Question Types and Strategies:
    Familiarize yourself with the question formats and best techniques for each section of the SAT: Reading, Writing and Language, Math (No Calculator), and Math (Calculator). Understanding the unique demands of each section will enable targeted preparation.
  6. Utilize the Process of Elimination:
    Recognize and eliminate typical wrong answers using the process of elimination. The SAT often includes deceptive answer choices. By eliminating obviously incorrect options, you increase your chances of selecting the correct answer.
  7. Guess Strategically:
    Since the SAT does not penalize for incorrect answers, it is beneficial to guess rather than leave a question blank. Use the process of elimination to narrow down choices and improve your odds of guessing correctly.
  8. Review and Learn from Mistakes:
    Analyze and understand the reasons behind your errors. Review official practice tests and answer explanations to identify areas of improvement. Learning from mistakes will help you avoid repeating them in future practice sessions.
  9. Practice Under Realistic Test Conditions:
    Simulate the actual SAT test environment during your preparation. Take full-length practice tests under timed conditions, following instructions and using a bubble sheet. This practice enhances your stamina, confidence, and time management skills.
  10. Prioritize Relaxation and Sleep:
    The night before the SAT, focus on relaxation rather than cramming. Engage in activities that bring you joy and calmness. Ensure a good night’s sleep of at least eight hours to wake up refreshed and energized on test day.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to studying for the SAT. What works for one student may not work for another. Experiment with different study methods and find what works best for you.


By implementing these top 10 SAT score hacks, you can optimize your preparation, test-taking techniques, and mindset. Take advantage of the PSAT, think like the test-makers, play to your strengths, and learn question types and strategies. Utilize the process of elimination, guess strategically, and review your mistakes for continuous improvement. Practice under realistic conditions, and ensure relaxation and adequate sleep before the test. With these effective strategies, you can enhance your SAT performance and increase your chances of achieving your target score.