TOEFL Primary Practice Test

TOEFL Primary Practice Test materials were created by professional test developers at ETS. The test questions are an accurate reflection of the questions found in an actual TOEFL Primary test.

TOEFL Primary Practice Test

English-language proficiency is an increasingly important skill for students worldwide, as it provides access to a wide range of educational, personal, and professional opportunities. Reliable assessment of progress in English language learning at a young age provides students with an advantage in their language proficiency development.

Educational trends indicate a global need for a well-designed, objective measure of proficiency in English to help younger students.

Educational Testing Service (ETS) developed the TOEFL Primary tests for the English language learning needs of students as young as 8 years old who have been learning English for about a year or more, though the tests may be appropriate for other students as well.

The TOEFL Primary tests are not based on or limited to any specific curriculum. All TOEFL Primary tests assess students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities for fulfilling core communication goals in English. These communication goals are shared across curricula worldwide. The tests allow teachers and parents to learn about young students’ developing English skills. Scores can be used to plan future lessons that match students’ needs and to support decisions to place students in classes appropriate for their ability levels. The tests can also be used to measure student progress in developing English language proficiency over time.

These practice tests will help students know what to expect when they take the TOEFL Primary Reading and Listening Test–Step 2 tests. Students will become familiar with the types of questions and how to mark the answer sheet. Students will not receive scores based on their performance on the practice tests.

There are no passing or failing scores set by ETS for the TOEFL Primary tests — each school decides for itself how to use scores.

I really hope that you found this article useful for you. Get the book from the links below and start studying. Good Luck!

TOEFL Primary Practice Test

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